It is relevant if you answer YES. If so, you may be denied coverage from Medicare or Medicaid. In fact, this is actually ongoing already. It's part of Obamacare. It IS happening. Not everyone is following it (yet) but they now will. This relates to #20 for Medicaid. #13 is for Medicare, is how I read it. On #17, I'm sure the letter will not be phrased that way. It will say "YOU WILL REPORT........."

The CDC is the most Liberal group of people on earth short of HSUS or PETA. If they can find a way to eliminate guns, they will do so.

And I have no clue how an FFL dealer is involved if I sell Hank a gun. I don't get that, so clearly something is there that is unseen.

You can call me a Sky Crier if you want.........but at some point in the future many of these are going to be interpreted to mean something that is NOT as innocuous as Posthole thinks. That's just how this idiot works. It's how he rolls. Can you deny that?