Quote Originally Posted by Arty View Post
The last 9 years we have had a bunch of family (and usually a few friends) over and my wife throws down on some major turkey day grub.
This year however is my sister in laws 50th Birthday. SO instead of thanksgiving here, we are heading to Hershey, PA where we will meet my brother and his wife for thanksgiving weekend. She doesn't know anything about it. How my brother is getting her there (they live in kentucky) without her knowing is beyond me. But he's confident he can.
Anywho... we will spend the weekend checking out Hershey parks Christmas lights and all.
Thanksgiving dinner will be at an Amish restaurant in Lancaster. Served family style. Our reservation is at 2:30. My plan is to still be eating at 8 when they close. I'm betting that's gonna be a gooooood meal.

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Sounds like we're going to be in the same area. We're going to be spending the day in Hershey on Friday.

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