Ha ha ha! Man, that brings back a memory Hidey-Ho! I was trying to run a deer out of a thicket I saw him go into. I'd already filled my tag and was "dogging" for my buddy hoping I could get him a shot. I ended up in a huge patch of those briers that have long green runners. They don't dry out like blackberry bushes, etc. ... but stay green and flexible (no clue what they're called, but they're deadly). I always hated spending 10 minutes fighting to get 5 feet, then a brier would catch my hat, snatch it off my head and flip it 10 feet behind me! Once I retrieved my hat, I'd start all over again. I remember getting in the middle of a huge patch once and I just couldn't go any farther. When my buddy finally hollered for me I asked him to call for a helicopter to drop me a line and lift me out'ta there! I don't know what those things are called, but they're the most miserable plant on the face of the earth IMHO.