You have someone, you just are too deep into the 420 to care anymore! Welcome to Retirement. I've gotten schizophrenic. I'm way more mellow, then I am way more interested, then I look out the window, and randomly go between all those. But apathy is far more metastatic than I would have thought.

And since you never agreed to come fish with me, I've moved you way down the list. Your number is now 11. Now serving No. 2. I'm gonna prolly write off #1 this week sometime.

But this is, and probably always will be, my home page. I suppose when I die, I'll be remembered as the most polarizing figure here. I sure won't be remembered like Bill. He was, and remains, my inspiration to do better with what I have. I met him once, but I am convinced it was way more than that. I have a long way to go to be like him, but I promise I'm trying to work on it.