OK, I didn't need this brought up.

But since it was.......

Yes, Barry, you called me and my ambulance driving son "Dishonest" and that's the same as a liar. Ticked me off, for sure. The reason you did is that you think that any reality that conflicts with your Liberal Agenda view of the world has to be false, and anyone who states it is dishonest. Turns out that you are the dishonest one for not accepting multiple first hand accounts from all over North America, but I realize that being an Egotistical Elitist, you can't abide admitting your view of the world might be wrong and skewed. And I'll tell you what..........Cappy basically said the same thing I did, and if you had called HIM a liar I would have liked to have seen what happened next. But you won't do that, you only do that to me. You call that "feeling persecuted", but I call that statement B/S. No one here is gonna sit around and allow their personal experiences to be called a lie, not and like it. Then you used racial language that I find abhorrent, and never, ever use.......and then you told me that somehow you knew that I DID use it , and that your use was not bad like my alleged use is (another Elitist belief that you know more about me than I do). And I just realized I wasn't interested in having continued dialogue with that kind of stuff.

But that thread didn't do anything but tick me off. Big deal.

It was simply a combination of things. That thread made me realize that this place has taken a left turn, and apparently America has too. Love of big government as the solution to our problems, acceptance of things I believe are bad for our country and our culture, and the fear your thoughts might offend some goober. Couple that with the false notion that Tolerance is a virtue held only by the Left, yet being totally intolerant of anyone who has Conservative views.........that's hypocrisy and elitism. I suspect there are indeed Conservatives here, but they don't banter much.......and just throw out a tidbit here and there, and not often. That leave the printed word pretty left leaning.

I've argued with Posthole for years. I always thought he was honest and intelligent and a good person. But lately, I don't quite see that. But it's totally unfair of me to single him out completely. Totally, and I apologize, but his stuff is just an example. He's just the most verbose here of those kinds of beliefs, but mostly this place has just turned away from what interests me. I believe I know what y'all think of me, and I realize you equate "open mindedness" with virtue, and that you all think I don't have such qualities. Truth is, I sometimes don't but often do........on things that are right or wrong I pretty much don't waver unless proven wrong. I have said all my life that there ARE black and white issues, and there ARE gray issues, and wisdom is knowing the difference. To say that every issue and every thought is gray is a wimpy, incorrect, invalid, and actually a pretty stupid way of viewing the world. But that's what my world has become, and it is as evident here as it is anywhere. I also know y'all think I'm much the klutz that can't accomplish anything, and it's my fault I've let that view persist. I know who I am, and what I can do, and lately that's enough. To whatever life I have left, I am going to try and be content with who I am.

So, I don't love anyone less than I ever did. I just am not having the enjoyment out of posting here that I used to. If you need to put the 'blame' for that on me, then do so and feel good about it......if you need.

I haven't run off, I'm just not as interested in this as I used to be. If you want to argue and be honest, fine, look me up. But there are two things I cannot abide in this world.......Liberals and Elitists. I don't hate them, I just don't like their attitudes and views and have just enough life left that I don't want to spend it getting my blood pressure up for no reason. I've read posts from folks who admit to almost choking to have to agree with me on stuff. I've seen 'stirring the pot' more than honest discussions. If you make a statement that you don't believe is true, just to bring the discussion to a boil, you are the one that's dishonest, and I don't care for that. It's hard enough online to figure out what folks mean without your intentional attempts to obfuscate. I love to discuss, or even argue......but you have to be honest and state your true opinions and admit when you are wrong.......and that seems to have waned around here.

And my personal life has taken some turns that are.......stressful is the word I guess, but it doesn't do it justice. Yet, I know others here have terrible things going on also and they weather it better than I. Still, it is weighing me down, like never before, and I simply try not to add more straw onto the camel's back. I stay busy best I can, on other things.

And I said I wasn't going to say all that.........but I guess I did.