I'll answer you if you answer this:

Why is ok for the Pros to care so passionately one way, and not ok for me to care so passionately the other way.

And to be honest, I've already answered several times. Just re-read. It bothers me because it takes away the rights of states to set law per the wishes of their citizens. Worse, it's hypocritical. The SCOTUS has ruled marijuana use is federally illegal. Yet they allow states to legally override that law, and set their own laws in that area. YET, when it comes to marriage, they refuse to allow the same logic to apply.

Your arguments (to me), and Posthole's, continue to center around the religious issue, and such. I've said all along I won't bother arguing that way with you. I know what I believe, and I believe the government should not be issuing 'licenses' to marry or even being concerned about it. That's a Libertarian view, NOT a conservative one. See Mike Huckabee for the prevailing Conservative one. Yet you keep labeling me. (I have heard some folks don't take kindly to incorrect labeling). I have not invoked the religious issue. I believe personally that God condemns homosexuality. However, I have enough sense to separate the civil from the religious.

I do NOT want the Bible taught in schools, because I fear the teachers thereof will have a wild and crazy view of it. Lord knows that most folks do. I don't want that. I want civil and religion areas to be separate.

Why can't you see my point? It's fine for the proponents of this to be wildly, publicly, loudly, passionately FOR it..........but if the same passion and attitude is against it, they go beserk. I repeat, and repeat, and repeat...........that's Elitist, and Egotistical, and it bothers me.