Willy, I VERY seldom use a chainsaw, but I do have one. Problem is, once I use it, it may be another 5-years before I use it again. EVERY TIME I need it, I have to go through the carb and fuel system before I can get it running again. It gets old having to rebuild it whenever I need it. Just a few months ago, I needed to cut up the top of a big oak in the back yard that broke off during a thunderstorm. Normal ... the chainsaw would not start. Then I remembered an old electric saw I picked up at an estate sale many months ago, but just haven't gotten around to listing it. Heck, they bring $150-$200 on eBay last I checked. I found some old Popular Mechanics ads from the early 50's and they sold for $100 in '52, but went up to $115 in '54. That was quite a bit of money back then. I pulled it out, plugged it in and that darn thing turned out to be a real workhorse! I breezed through that job in no time flat! Now I don't know whether to keep it (so I'll always have a saw that "starts"), or make a few bucks by selling it.

This thing is a beast and didn't even hint at slowing down while ripping through a bunch of oak. (Porter Cable 110)
