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Thread: WTF is going on???

  1. #1
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    WTF is going on???

    I had lunch in front of the tv and got sucked into watching the frigging news ... something that I've happily avoided fairly successfully since the election. WTF is this bullshit that's going on at the Capitol building? WHY was it allowed to go this far? Arrest the ignorant mother-fuckers who breached the interior and gas the fuckers blocking the Capitol steps and breaching barriers. Arrest that silly fuck head sitting in Pelosi's office with his feet propped up on her desk and clear those stupid, flag-waving jerk-offs from the Capitol grounds. And WHO'S silly idea was it to stand by and let those dip-wads stroll their stinkin' asses into the Senate chambers like they're part of a frigging Capitol tour group? What a bunch of frigging bullshit! Way to go Trump, you've stirred up your damn moron brigade and they're doing just as you suggested. Now, what's your next move you fucking dickhead? What a crock of shit!

    I had to finally walk away to let my blood pressure come back down to an acceptable level. I'll get back on my computer and do something constructive by making some new eBay listings.

    Rant over.
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  2. #2
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) airbud7's Avatar
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    Capitol Police must agree with them protesters.

  3. #3
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) johnboy's Avatar
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    Don't really want to say much about this but are you really surprised that a LOT of people believe that their govt no longer works for them? Four years of abuse just boiled over.

    No clue what's going to happen but maybe this is a wakeup call.


  4. #4
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by airbud7 View Post
    Capitol Police must agree with them protesters.
    Then the Capitol Police should be fired and replaced. (but my guess is, they're following orders from a higher authority ... who should be fired and replaced) They're supposed to be non-biased. They're there to uphold the law. The last I checked, not abiding by Police orders, vandalism and trespassing are against the law. Your statement reflects the same ignorance shown by these dimwits.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) johnboy's Avatar
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    Look back on what happened in too many cities last year and tell me about police upholding the law. Goose and gander.

  6. #6
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Oh, so just let them rule the roost over fear they'll think it's the War of 1812 and if the cops slap their wrists, they'll burn Washington to the ground? I suppose I shouldn't complain ... if I knew there would be no repercussions, I'd just rob a few banks. Let 'em do what they want I guess. This country is going straight into the toilet over bullshit politics.

    As for the goose and gander ... I agree. Hillary made an ass out of herself crying that the election was "stolen" from her and "we" partied while making fun of her. Now the situation has taken a 180-degree turn and "we" are raising hell about it? "We" criticized the snowflakes for protesting and turning to violence, now "we" are doing the same but it's somehow justified? I'm so sick of this crap I'm climbing back into my hole. I was much better off being ignorant of current events.
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  7. #7
    Grand High Exalted Taser-Master
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    The politicians sat on their hands while out of control mobs attacked Joe Citizen and burned and looted private citizens homes and businesses but when it gets close to home it's a different story isn't it?

  8. #8
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Hombre's Avatar
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    It's bullshit and I'm 100% with you Thump, these horrible actions should be met with consequences. I'm also in agreement with johnboy, we are getting what we deserve. We sat back for months and watched protests devolve into riots that caused property damage, saw homicides, and took over city blocks. We normalized violent behavior as a tool. During that time we used phrases like "riots is the language of the unheard." I 100% get one group was fighting for civil right and another is simply upset about an election, so that is not lost on me. However, if we thought for a minute that allowing lawlessness wouldn't translate to more lawlessness we were stupid. Here's another catch phrase "Every society gets the kind of criminal it deserves, what's equally true is every society gets the kind of police force it demands". Seems pretty accurate now.

  9. #9
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) DeputyDog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thumper View Post
    Then the Capitol Police should be fired and replaced. (but my guess is, they're following orders from a higher authority ... who should be fired and replaced) They're supposed to be non-biased. They're there to uphold the law. The last I checked, not abiding by Police orders, vandalism and trespassing are against the law. Your statement reflects the same ignorance shown by these dimwits.
    They are being non-biased. Antifa was allowed to loot and burn all summer and the ones that did get arrested had no formal charges filed against them in many cases.

    If they started to arrest these “peaceful protesters” then they would definitely be showing a bias.

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  10. #10
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Dang Deppity, are you telling me no laws have been broken? WTF?

    When are we going to start upholding the laws instead of wringing our hands and taking a "time-out" for fear of pissing off some jack-assed group who does what they want because they know there will be no repercussions? I hope tonight goes well and everyone wraps it up and goes back to whatever hole they crawled out of. But in most cases like this, darkness only brings on more idiocy. I heard there was a curfew tonight ... that should keep 'em off the streets. Yeah, right.
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  11. #11
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) johnboy's Avatar
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    My last post on this. If your politicians of both parties had agreed to review, IN PUBLIC, all reported cases (under oath) of election fraud then this probably would not have happened. They fueled this fire by refusing to even discuss the possibility that there was fraud. FBI, DOJ - where were they? Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind comes to mind. Good luck guys sorting this out.

  12. #12
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    Well you're a hell of a lot of help johnboy. :o

    Btw I agree. Trust is the most important thing a people can have in their government. It must be guarded and protected jealously. We don't have a lot of it. It's why we're becoming ungovernable.

    Makes me sad to see it. I disagree profoundly with those who said in a different thread that this was not a uniquely important election. But not for any of the reasons stated. Until our government actually starts responding to the needs of anyone other than their donors I don't think this gets much better.


  13. #13
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Yeah, Johnboy, kind'a like examining his tax returns. BTW, I ain't buyin' into the rampant fraud and election abuse argument. Is it perfect? No, I'm sure there have been minor mistakes here and there ... on BOTH sides. It's the law of averages. But enough to skew the vote by millions? I don't see it. One or two people can't "rig" (one of Trump's favorite words when he's in whining mode) an election. MANY people would have to be involved and I'll guarandamntee you, somebody would have gone into hero mode and spilled the beans by now. Trump gets on a rant and drives it into the ground. Like the birther b/s with Obama, he just refuses to drop anything HE believes to be fact ... even if proven wrong. He's a spoiled, privileged brat who holds his breath until his face turns blue until he gets his way. Give him wealth and power, and he doesn't need to hold his breath any longer, he'll just stomp the shit out of anybody who gets in his way or doesn't agree with him. The ONLY way to survive around the guy is to be a 100%, total "yes man" or your ass is sent to pasture. Sorry Trump, YOU'RE FIRED. I voted for you ONLY for your business acumen. That's it ... sum and total. I liked a lot of what you did, but you had to act like a frigging spoiled 3-year old while you did it. You finally turned me off with your childish Twitter wars and your endless name-calling. I know kindergartners with more class ... AND larger vocabularies! What I THOUGHT I wanted turned out to be a total embarrassment imho. I will give you credit though, I like how you've made Mexico pay for that "big, beautiful, wall!"

    Problem is ... NOW it's 4 years of Biden/Harris! Somebody please shoot me!
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  14. #14
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) airbud7's Avatar
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    Governor's going around the state legislature and just handing out ballots to everyone is why Trump really lost.

    State of emergency my ass, if you can go to Walmart you can go stand in line and vote.

  15. #15
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by airbud7 View Post
    Governor's going around the state legislature and just handing out ballots to everyone is why Trump really lost.
    What flavor was your Kool-Aid?
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  16. #16
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) airbud7's Avatar
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    Yea Thump, and Joe Biden really is more popular than Barack Obama.

    Drink that Kool-Aid....tell me how it taste.

  17. #17
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) DeputyDog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thumper View Post
    Dang Deppity, are you telling me no laws have been broken? WTF?

    When are we going to start upholding the laws instead of wringing our hands and taking a "time-out" for fear of pissing off some jack-assed group who does what they want because they know there will be no repercussions? I hope tonight goes well and everyone wraps it up and goes back to whatever hole they crawled out of. But in most cases like this, darkness only brings on more idiocy. I heard there was a curfew tonight ... that should keep 'em off the streets. Yeah, right.
    I didn’t say that no laws were being broken. The point was that law enforcement all over the county was told to stand back and let rioters loot burn numerous cities over the summer. In many locations Prosecutors and District Attorneys denied to file charges against those that were arrested. To crack down on these “protesters” simply because they are right wing instead of left wing would show an implicit systemic bias.

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  18. #18
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Hombre's Avatar
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    I sure feel bad for the position you all have been put in deputy. I can't think of a more stressful and thankless job at this point in time.

  19. #19
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hombre View Post
    I sure feel bad for the position you all have been put in deputy. I can't think of a more stressful and thankless job at this point in time.
    Agreed. Totally. Disgusting actually.
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  20. #20
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    DD that is a good point.

    Want to know the truth? I never knew it was that easy to invade the halls of congress. My goodness. They need to take a look at that. Maybe they didn't expect it to go this bad?

    About the young woman who was killed... A great example of why violence almost never is the best choice. Big crowds, adrenaline overdose, fear and confusion. Gotta think she'd want another chance at life if given a chance.

    I know it feels like this is the only solution to some. It's not. A lot of rage out there. Glad I live in the sticks. The only riot I ever saw was when they tried to throw me out of a bar when I took on half of the occupants. Me and those boys had a good laugh about that last year when I ran into them.


  21. #21
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Dang Willy! Was that you who smacked me over the head with a PBR bottle that night?

    We were living in Vicksburg, Mississippi in 1968 when my dad was offered (and he accepted) a better paying job in Memphis. I was going to go to Memphis with my dad for the weekend to help him find a house to rent before relocating the family (mom, dad and 6 kids!). I went to school on Thursday and was going to skip school on Friday. When I got home from school, he was waiting for me and we hit the road about an hour or so after I got home. I remember it was about a 4 hour drive. On the way there, he told me he thought I'd really like it there and he thinks it'll be a good move. As we approached Memphis, he said he'd take me through town to show me where the (Cadillac) dealer was located where he'd be starting work, then we'd grab a bite to eat and check into a hotel for the weekend to use as our base while we did some house hunting.

    Well, we pulled into town around 8:00 PM and it looked like a frigging war zone! Cops EVERYWHERE, flashing lights, detectives, firetrucks ... you name it, it was on the streets. People were actually boarding up their windows and loading their shotguns! WTF??? We were heading over to Union Avenue where the dealership was located and would be cutting down Mulberry Street but it was blocked off with a ton of police activity. It looked like the whole city was going nuts. I looked at dad a bit wide-eyed and he just shrugged his shoulders ... clueless. It turned out, Martin Luther King had just been shot a couple of hours prior to our arrival! Mulberry Street was blocked off as he'd been shot on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel.

    Needless to say, it was a crazy weekend and my introduction to Memphis was an interesting one.
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  22. #22
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    I'll bet it was.

    That's a very good story and it just goes to show you that hard and confusing times have shown up many times before. Sometimes I think we get a bit myopic and don't appreciate that. I'm glad I wasn't around to see the 60's. Not sure what I would have thought of them.


  23. #23
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Chicken Dinner's Avatar
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    The closest I ever came was burning some couches and helping loot a beer truck the night of the 1983 NCAA basketball championship. Good times.

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  24. #24
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chicken Dinner View Post
    The closest I ever came was burning some couches and helping loot a beer truck the night of the 1983 NCAA basketball championship. Good times.
    I just checked the books and found there's no statute of limitations on that confession. Could you please add a few more details and speak clearly into the mic.
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thumper View Post
    I just checked the books and found there's no statute of limitations on that confession....
    Ah yes, burning the couch. Falsely impersonating a hillbilly.... only a misdemeanor in most of the country.


  26. #26
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeputyDog View Post
    They are being non-biased. Antifa was allowed to loot and burn all summer and the ones that did get arrested had no formal charges filed against them in many cases.

    If they started to arrest these “peaceful protesters” then they would definitely be showing a bias.

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    Ah...the old ‘two wrongs make a right’ logic.

    Viva Renaldo!

  27. #27
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) DeputyDog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BarryBobPosthole View Post
    Ah...the old ‘two wrongs make a right’ logic.

    No. It’s bullshit that the people who committed crimes during the “protests” throughout the summer were not arrested AND prosecuted and its bullshit that anyone from yesterday who committed a crime wasn’t arrested and facing prosecution.

    This whole situation shows the utter hypocrisy from both sides.

    Biden and other Democrats were quick to condemn the actions of the people yesterday, but were silent all summer when cities were burned and personal property destroyed. Hell, they didn’t seem to care when sections of cities were taken over and deemed autonomous zones.

    Then the same group who screamed all summer about riots stage their own. Granted nothing was looted or burned but it was still reprehensible.

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  28. #28
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    I’m sorry,but I can’t go along with anything that happened yesterday and it doesn’t do a thing to lessen what was done by saying someone else has done worse. That just doesn’t hold water for me. If it does for you, that’s fine too. Its just we disagree.
    Viva Renaldo!

  29. #29
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Penguin View Post
    Ah yes, burning the couch. Falsely impersonating a hillbilly.... only a misdemeanor in most of the country. Will
    Ha! Clearly a case of arson, burning without a permit within city limits, intentional air pollution and littering.

    Ok, we'll let the looting of the beer truck slide, but just this once.
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  30. #30
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) DeputyDog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Penguin View Post
    I'll bet it was.

    That's a very good story and it just goes to show you that hard and confusing times have shown up many times before. Sometimes I think we get a bit myopic and don't appreciate that. I'm glad I wasn't around to see the 60's. Not sure what I would have thought of them.

    My Dad was a police officer primarily during the 50’s and 60’s. I started my career in the early 90’s. There seems to be some parallels between the two periods. During the 50’s and early 60’s the police were respected then became the enemy during the late 60’s and through the 70’s. When I started, the police were somewhat respected and then were considered heroes after 9/11. Now the tide has turned and the police are public enemy number one.

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